There's more than one way to cut a 320 log into 25 x 100s timber
Log Cutting Optimization for Sawmills, the PitagoCutting logs into timber in the best way possible has always been a significant challenge. Sawmills strive to maximize the yield obtained from each log. Even a small additional amount of timber can make a difference in terms of profitability. Log cutting optimization software proves to be the right solution in this scenario. It assists sawmills in maximizing their efficiency and profitability by optimizing the cutting process. Currently Pitago software consists of three optimizers:
By carefully planning and executing the cuts, log sawing optimization aims to achieve the following benefits: 1. Increased Yield: By optimizing the cutting process, more usable timber can be obtained from each log. This means extracting the maximum value from the raw material and minimizing waste. 2. Waste Reduction: Log sawing optimization helps to minimize the amount of wood that goes to waste or becomes unusable. This reduces costs, promotes sustainability, and minimizes the environmental impact of the sawmill operation. 3. Improved Efficiency: With an optimized cutting plan, the sawmill can operate more efficiently. This leads to time and cost savings, as well as increased productivity. 4. Consistent Quality: By optimizing log sawing, the resulting timber can have consistent dimensions, quality, and appearance. This is important for meeting customer expectations and maintaining product standards. 5. Resource Optimization: Log sawing optimization enables better utilization of available resources, such as manpower, equipment, and energy. This helps in maximizing the output while minimizing the input required for the sawmill operation. Overall, log sawing optimization plays a crucial role in enhancing the profitability, sustainability, and competitiveness of sawmills by maximizing yield, reducing waste, improving efficiency, and ensuring consistent quality of the timber produced. IMPORTANT When we at Pitago optimize log sawing, we assume that the log is perfectly round and perfectly straight. However, when dealing with real production, it is important to be aware of approximate calculation values. By combining both the Pitago calculations and your experience, you can come to the right decision a lot faster. The Pi1 Cutting OptimizerThe Pi1 Optimizer is specifically designed for situations where multiple timber pieces of various sizes need to be cut from a single log.The cutting plan is calculated through a two-stage process.
The Pi2 Cutting OptimizerWhen it comes to cutting uniform timber from a log, the Pi2 Optimizer proves to be the right solution.With this powerful tool, all you need are the timber width and thickness.
The Pi3 Log Batch Cutting OptimizerHow to choose what timber to cut from what log ?Instead of processing logs individually, log batch cutting involves analyzing and planning the cutting patterns for a group or batch of logs together. Waste nothing!
Pitago Optimizers for sawyer training |